Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Picture This ... July

July 2nd:  Frame  (For this I am interpreting it as frame worthy.)

July 3rd:  Ordinary Moments  (In the summer, there is nothing more ordinary than my girls eating strawberries on the beach.)

July 4th:  Celebration  (Lauren watching the fireworks.)

July 5th:  Hero  (How can a girl not look up to her dad?)

July 6th:  Tiny Reminder (The girls drew chalk drawings all over my parent's street.  Tiny reminders of how much they love our family.)

 July 7th:  Find Fun  (My partner in crime for the night was Jaimee and this was our last glimpse of the cabin as we took off in the golf cart to have a blast!  Fun was found!)

 July 9th:  Neighborhood  (Mom and Lauren playing on Janet Street... the neighborhood I grew up in.  The best neighborhood for kids!)

Yes, I did skip July 8th:  Food.  I should have taken a food pic because we stopped at G's in East Tawas for brunch on our way out of Tawas and had their famous bread spears.  Are you picturing it?  Click.


Alita said...

oooooh I can see why you wanted to chill out today. Looks like you guys had a BLAST! I really like the picture of Lauren firework gazing. Creative! I'll post mine on Thursday! :) YAY!!! This was fun.

Robin said...

Thanks Alita!