We had a really nice Halloween. It is nice when the kids are still so little and you can control what they wear and what they eat. All the pictures I put on here are reverse order of what I wanted to post them but it is such a pain to switch them that this is how they shall stay.
I like to dress up, too, but didn't really have time to don a real elaborate costume so I grabbed Lauren's kitty headband and a little black lipstick. Poof! Mama is a kitty!

When we got home last night, Lilly climbed into a box that had come earlier that day. She was having a great time in it. Here she is getting a little love from her big sissy.

Lil' Chicken looking fluffy and cute. This is not set up.

Aunt Erika taught Lauren how to play fetch with Cooper but it kept turning into tug-o-war. Pull, Lauren, pull!

Keith, Kurt and Gram looking at funny videos online while Aunt Erika and Mommy chased little girls up and down the steps.

I don't know if this little sheep or Cooper was more excited to be running around but they were both having so much fun.

Playing fetch with "Sparky." Our neighbors have a little black dog named Sparky and so Cooper became Sparky the entire time we were there. I think she said Cooper, maybe, three times.

Lilly Chicken eating goldfish crackers. Yum.

Cooper was hoping that the little chicken would drop a cracker.
Daddy and his little chicken. Lilly looked like she was going to fall asleep when we first got there.

Aunt Erika and Uncle Kurt had wonderful little treat bags for the girls. Thank you, guys.

Did you hear the one about the sheep and the chicken?

Here are our little animals when we first got to Uncle Kurt and Aunt Erika's house. Great Grammy was there just like last year to visit with the girls and she also gave them great treat bags. Thank you, Gram.

Just down the road from our house is a sheep farm. Whenever we pass it, the girls start baa-ing. Here Lilly is baa-ing at the top of her lungs.

Earlier in the day, Lauren tried on her Minnie Mouse costume that once belonged to cousin Flynn. She loved pretending to be Minnie.

I found this trouble maker on top of the toy box and the other one still in the box after I got walked back in the room after hanging up the phone. I thought Lilly was the monkey.
Lilly loves to climb in the toy box and Lauren jumped in after her. The above picture happened immediately after.

I was the pumpkin master in our house this year. I just decided I wanted some good pumpkins. The girls and I bought them a few doors down from our house at Carlson's Greenhouse. Buy one get one free. Good deal. This is the back of one pumpkin. I shaved the skin off and created eyes to make it look like a bunch of creatures looking at you.

This is the front.
This is my abstract pumpkin. Lauren picked this one out. It was the most perfect little pumpkin ever.

Our little star jack 0'lantern and my Ralphie Wiggim special. (No stencil!) He is picking his nose.
Jack o'lantern number 2 and a stenciled Cinderella.

This morning, Lilly and I slept in because we were up a lot last night. Keith fell asleep on the chair and Lauren had the run of the house. She managed to grab a bag of chocolate chip cookies off the counter and hopped in her car. She drove out to the living room and said, "Cookies, Daddy." Keith woke and saw her eating cookies out of the bag. He asked if he could have the bag. She handed him one cookie and said, "Daddy cookie." We had a nice sugar crash a couple of hours following that incident!!!
Big congratulations to Keith's cousin Jon and his wife Shannon. Last night, they had their long awaited for baby boy. We were at Kurt and Erika's when we heard they were on their way to the hospital around 7 - 7:30 p.m. and she had the baby before midnight. Wow!!! Welcome to the world, William Jensen!
I like to dress up, too, but didn't really have time to don a real elaborate costume so I grabbed Lauren's kitty headband and a little black lipstick. Poof! Mama is a kitty!

When we got home last night, Lilly climbed into a box that had come earlier that day. She was having a great time in it. Here she is getting a little love from her big sissy.

Lil' Chicken looking fluffy and cute. This is not set up.

Aunt Erika taught Lauren how to play fetch with Cooper but it kept turning into tug-o-war. Pull, Lauren, pull!

Keith, Kurt and Gram looking at funny videos online while Aunt Erika and Mommy chased little girls up and down the steps.

I don't know if this little sheep or Cooper was more excited to be running around but they were both having so much fun.

Playing fetch with "Sparky." Our neighbors have a little black dog named Sparky and so Cooper became Sparky the entire time we were there. I think she said Cooper, maybe, three times.

Lilly Chicken eating goldfish crackers. Yum.

Cooper was hoping that the little chicken would drop a cracker.

Aunt Erika and Uncle Kurt had wonderful little treat bags for the girls. Thank you, guys.

Did you hear the one about the sheep and the chicken?

Here are our little animals when we first got to Uncle Kurt and Aunt Erika's house. Great Grammy was there just like last year to visit with the girls and she also gave them great treat bags. Thank you, Gram.

Just down the road from our house is a sheep farm. Whenever we pass it, the girls start baa-ing. Here Lilly is baa-ing at the top of her lungs.

Earlier in the day, Lauren tried on her Minnie Mouse costume that once belonged to cousin Flynn. She loved pretending to be Minnie.

I found this trouble maker on top of the toy box and the other one still in the box after I got walked back in the room after hanging up the phone. I thought Lilly was the monkey.

I was the pumpkin master in our house this year. I just decided I wanted some good pumpkins. The girls and I bought them a few doors down from our house at Carlson's Greenhouse. Buy one get one free. Good deal. This is the back of one pumpkin. I shaved the skin off and created eyes to make it look like a bunch of creatures looking at you.

This is the front.

Our little star jack 0'lantern and my Ralphie Wiggim special. (No stencil!) He is picking his nose.

This morning, Lilly and I slept in because we were up a lot last night. Keith fell asleep on the chair and Lauren had the run of the house. She managed to grab a bag of chocolate chip cookies off the counter and hopped in her car. She drove out to the living room and said, "Cookies, Daddy." Keith woke and saw her eating cookies out of the bag. He asked if he could have the bag. She handed him one cookie and said, "Daddy cookie." We had a nice sugar crash a couple of hours following that incident!!!
Big congratulations to Keith's cousin Jon and his wife Shannon. Last night, they had their long awaited for baby boy. We were at Kurt and Erika's when we heard they were on their way to the hospital around 7 - 7:30 p.m. and she had the baby before midnight. Wow!!! Welcome to the world, William Jensen!
1 comment:
Okay, so the eyeball pumpkin really creeped me out for some reason...but your barnyard animals are adorable!
P.S. Thanks for the help with text between pictures.
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