I bought these cute little picture frames at 50% at the Hobby Lobby grand opening sale. Did you know there is now a Hobby Lobby in Flint? A nicest fabric cutter at JoAnn's told me about it! Hmmm. Anyway, I just got out some of my scrapbooking supplies and created some little birdies for Lauren's bedroom wall. They are three separate frames but I hung them so that they overlapped and, yes, Keith, I put holes in the wall! Each frame has a peg but I don't dare hang anything on them because little miss stretch will find a way to reach whatever it is and pull everything down.

This is a obviously a large letter. I bought it at JoAnn's and spray painted it white so that the ugly cardboard color wouldn't show through. I then spent a couple of hours glue on and tying on seven or eight different kinds of ribbon. I really like the way it turned out. I saw this idea on etsy and had to try it for myself. It is now hanging from nails that poke two even newer holes in Lauren's wall, Keith. The nice thing about having girls with the same first initial is that I don't have to do this again. We plan on moving the girls into one room soon and viola - it is now for both of them!

Finally, I had this brilliant idea that I was going to make neckties for little boys. Where does a mom of two daughters who grew up never having a brother get the idea to make ties you ask? Well, for that you can thank my cousin Rachel. She probably has no clue that she is the inspiration behind these because I am the worst person on Earth right now. I haven't answered her email that she sent me because I meant to call but it seems like everything but the devil himself has kept me from calling. Every single time I pick up the phone someone gets injured, an unforeseen tantrum swirls in, the cat gets out, etc. You get the point. I am going to call!!!! For REAL!!!!
Back to the ties...
Way back in July when we were celebrating Uncle Ed's birthday, she mentioned that it was really hard to find ties for the boys during the summer. Brainstorm. I will make some but they will not be boring black or navy. No, my ties shall have character! And here they are....
The pictures are not the clearest because I didn't realize as I was quickly trying to take these photos but I was focused on the chair in the background instead of the ties. Oops!
Left to right: firefighters, robots, sports, football helmets

Left to right: fishing (this now has a fisherman on the front because the pattern was really spaced out that it looked to plain), pirates (argh), monkey business and the firefighter tie, again

The ties together.

The football helmet tie with the number 56 on it. I actually made this for my neighbor Ethan. He plays on a flag football team and his number is 88 - no, 56! He loves it. I am making his older brother a black tie with little skulls on it.

So, Rachel, when I do call and I will, be ready to tell me what kind of ties your boys would like because they are getting them as a thank you for the inspiration. They are fun and easy to make.
Keith and the kids are home. Gotta go do some hugging!!!
I LOVE the ties! Blake was so excited when I showed him your collection we inspired :)
Oh, good! I can make almost any kind of tie as long as I can find the fabric so if Blake and Bryce have a favorite someone or something, I can probably turn it into a tie.
The ties look great! Nice job!
Love, AA
Arrrr...I love the pirate tie!
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