I have clearly been ignoring Blogger, again. It is so much faster to upload pics to Facebook. So here is a quick update in pictures.
In August we celebrated the girls' birthdays. Lilly is now 2 and Lauren is 3.
Lauren wearing her Snow White dress and headband that Lilly gave her for her birthday.
Sisters kissing
Lilly in her borrowed and tattered Cinderella dress. She should consider herself very honored to be allowed to wear such a marvelous frock. (I still can't believe Lauren gave it to her.)

The birthday cake after the girls got it.
Frosted covered birthday girls.

Lauren in Aunt Erika's boots. Should mention that at some point before the party started, my dad started watching a channel that eventually started showing COPS. It was never turned off and believe it or not, it was a marathon! So during our daughters' 2nd/3rd birthday party, inmates were chased and apprehended in a near life size display for all to see!

Two candles for Lil and Three candles for Lauren
Their new Barbie jeep. I love, love, love Lauren's face in this picture!
The Snoopy1 Airship was in front of the house for about 30 minutes a few days after the Buick Open.
Lilly dancing on her birthday.
She just discovered that her sweet, big sister gave her a Snow White doll for her birthday. It was Lauren's decision.

For the girls' birthdays, we bought tickets to go see The Wiggles at the Palace. It was fun. It took the girls a long time to warm up to the whole idea. The Palace was just so big it overwhelmed them, especially Lauren!
Mama and Lauren after the concert.

Lilly trying to distance herself from us. This is a newly found joy of hers. She likes to run away and see how far she can get.

Lilly polishing off the popcorn.

Murray Wiggle came right over to where we were sitting.
Keith's Wiggle Girlfriend. To be fair, this is not a good picture of her. She is cuter than this.

Daddy and his little girl.
She is just such a cool kid!
Lauren wanted to help Daddy get drinks and popcorn. Looks like Daddy didn't get much help!
Pa with his little darlings. (Side note: My mom came down tonight and when she got up from her nap, Keith woke her up by saying, "Do you want to go see Grammy? She is here." Lilly said, "No." Then she looked around and said, "Pa?" She was down right bummed that Pa was not with Grammy. She has always been Pa's little girl.)
OUCH!!! I still hate looking at this. Lauren fell on our front porch projecting herself into the lattice that is on the side of the door. This is what happened instantaneously! Nearly a week later and she still has black and blue eyes. The b&b eyes didn't appear until a few days after. It was scary but she just rubbed her head later and said she was all better. She handled it much better than I did.
Yesterday, I put the girls in the tub, stripped them down, gave them paints and brushes and said have fun! The weird thing is that I occasionally read other blogs like my cousin Rachel's and some of the blogs she links to on her page. The same day I was doing this, she had a friend that was doing the same thing with her kids. I guess the painting bug was in the air!
The girls... I actually encouraged them to paint themselves and get messy because they were (shockingly) staying neat and painting little pictures.

Notice the highlights in their hair compliments of Mama!

Outside playing with the Dunckels! Our neighbors just returned from two months in Spain - Esther is Spanish and they have a place there. Her family is all still there.
Chris, Lauren, Ethan and Lilly. Lilly was right between Chris and Lauren until I brought my camera out.
I am so proud of this drawing Lauren drew of me. She gave me hair, ears, eyes, nose and a mouth complete with teeth! I was so impressed!!!! I have never drawn anything like this with her.
Making welcome home brownies for the Dunckels. Lauren got to lick the whisk, Lilly got a spoon and Keith got the bowl. Mama got nada!

In August we celebrated the girls' birthdays. Lilly is now 2 and Lauren is 3.
Lauren wearing her Snow White dress and headband that Lilly gave her for her birthday.

Mama and Lauren after the concert.

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