Picture updates...
Mama and Lilly
Without a doubt, this is a look she inherited from Keith.
Lilly is not tripping, she is just stepping up onto the deck.
Lauren is thrilled with her new Little Tikes house that Daddy got from our neighbors for free! Lauren wanted to stay home and play in it instead of going to the zoo.
Happy Girl = Happy Home
Driving to the golf course
Mud face Lil
Keith kept calling her Homer because she had a five o'clock shadow like Homer Simpson.

This is the only way to eat spaghetti o's.
She rubbed it in like lotion!
Lilly, Aunt Erika and Lauren

Lauren and Lilly playing with another Lillian at Keith's cousin Thomas' open house.
Grandma Jo
Great Uncle Ralph and Keith
Nana and Lilly
Teresa and Erika
Kurt and cousin Teresa
Keith, Kurt and Teresa

Lauren, Lilly and Grammy and Pa's dog Daisy!
Lil with her swimsuit top on.
Lauren eating cherry tomatoes.
She did most of this herself but Lauren helped, too.

Kissy faces

Daddy and Lilly on the tractor.

We just went to the Toledo Zoo this past weekend and will add those pics soon.
Mama and Lilly
Without a doubt, this is a look she inherited from Keith.

We just went to the Toledo Zoo this past weekend and will add those pics soon.
Love, love, love the pictures! Those beautiful girls are getting so big. Love, AA
i love all the new pictures!!! i can't believe how long little lauren's hair is! and lilly...dirty silly lilly...she reminds me of me! i miss and love you all!!
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