Friday, September 19, 2008

Nice Doctor

Today we went to visit the doctor for the girls' yearly checkup. I think Lilly knew what was up right away because she was very fussy immediately and that is so unlike her. Lauren was also very unlike herself; she was all smiles and giggles. Weird. Dr. Marshall is so good with the girls. She lets them play with all of her instruments and looks for kitties in their ears. Lauren loves that. Both girls were deemed perfect and beautiful and I now hold in my hand their long awaited measurements. So... who weighs more? Lauren or Lilly?

We all had our money on Lilly but it was Lauren! Big sister won out. Lilly only gained a pound since her last visit. Her stats were 21 pounds 13 ounces and 31 inches long. Long and lean Lauren was 25 pounds and 35 3/4 inches long. The doctor said she is almost at the 30th percentile for weight and would like to see her around 50% but she is healthy so she is okay but she is at a whopping 90th percentile for height! We all know Keith and I are known for our height (cough, cough) so this is normal, right? Actually, Lauren is growing exactly like I did when I was her age so there will be no pro-balling days in her future.

The best part of the visit happened in the car as I was buckling Lauren in. She started singing, "nice doctor, nice doctor," over and over. I asked her if Dr. Marshall was a nice doctor and she said yes then I asked her if she loved our doctor and she smiled and said yes. We are lucky to have such a caring doctor and I am glad the girls like going to the doctor. It makes it so much easier.

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