Today, our little Lillian turned one! Now, technically, for nine days I have two 1 year old girls but if you ask Lauren how old she is she will tell you, "two." We had a wonderful, sunny, warm day to have a little backyard party. We had family, friends, kids, toys, lots of food but the only things missing were Grammy and Pa. (Lauren has started to call my dad Pa.) Mom really injured her knee and is in a brace and on crutches and if that is not enough, she got really, really sick so they had to stay home. Maybe that explains why the girls were kind of in a funk? Here are a few pictures from our fun day of celebrating two birthdays in one!
We decided to give the girls their gifts this morning (except for the tricycle) and the girls were thrilled with their new dolls. Lauren got her favorite fairy-in-training, Abby Cadabby. Lilly got Eebee Baby. (It's a puppet/doll from the Parents TV DVD Eebee line. They sell the movie at Target and parts are available on demand through Comcast cable.)

Lauren got a cute dog on a leash from The Dunckel Family and her cousin, Kristian, was a good pet-sitter. He walked the dog all the way around the backyard!
A better photo of Lauren's cute new trike.

All the partying wore Lilly out. She did take a nap before the party and then she had three more. Normally, she does not nap in such irrational patterns but she was really overwhelmed by the whole day. Plus, her brand spankin' new third tooth just poked through the gums overnight. She was hurting.
Uncle Kurt and Aunt Erika interrupted their camping trip in Jackson with Erika's family to come celebrate the girls' birthdays and then drove all the way back to camp some more. They are a good aunt and uncle! Thanks guys - we appreciate it.
Look how they discover things together. I love it. They were both so interested in the new piano from Grandpa and Grandma Swartz that they looked it over and pushed every gizmo on it without fighting over the toy or their personal space. I love moments like this.

Cousin Kristian, again, quickly learned how to climb into Lilly's new toy box from Uncle Kurt and Aunt Erika. He fit inside really well. I already have visions of toys thrown everywhere as two giggling girls sit inside it having a ball.

Lauren on her way cool trike. She doesn't like to use the pedals, yet. She treats it like she is riding her scooter. I know it won't be long before she gets the hang of it.

Family photo as the girls eat their birthday cakes. Lauren, just like last year, ate it daintily. She carefully picked off sprinkles until I gave her a fork. She did not make a mess. The same can not be said for Lilly. She dove in. She was covered in cake. Her hands, her face and, my favorite, her legs. It was funny to watch her rub it into her knees. They are so different!

Lauren and Lilly's Great Aunt Evie with her granddaughter, our cousin, Jenna, who is 19 days younger than Lauren.

Jenna with her mommy, Carla, Lauren with Great Aunt Evie and Great Gram with Kristian.

Our fabulous neighbors, The Dunckel Family: Chris, Todd, Esther and Lauren's best friend, Ethan, or as she calls him, "E."

We had a terrific day. The girls received so many wonderful gifts that we are very thankful for but most of all, we are just truly grateful you were all there to celebrate with us. Thank you!
We decided to give the girls their gifts this morning (except for the tricycle) and the girls were thrilled with their new dolls. Lauren got her favorite fairy-in-training, Abby Cadabby. Lilly got Eebee Baby. (It's a puppet/doll from the Parents TV DVD Eebee line. They sell the movie at Target and parts are available on demand through Comcast cable.)

Lauren got a cute dog on a leash from The Dunckel Family and her cousin, Kristian, was a good pet-sitter. He walked the dog all the way around the backyard!

All the partying wore Lilly out. She did take a nap before the party and then she had three more. Normally, she does not nap in such irrational patterns but she was really overwhelmed by the whole day. Plus, her brand spankin' new third tooth just poked through the gums overnight. She was hurting.

Cousin Kristian, again, quickly learned how to climb into Lilly's new toy box from Uncle Kurt and Aunt Erika. He fit inside really well. I already have visions of toys thrown everywhere as two giggling girls sit inside it having a ball.

Lauren on her way cool trike. She doesn't like to use the pedals, yet. She treats it like she is riding her scooter. I know it won't be long before she gets the hang of it.

Family photo as the girls eat their birthday cakes. Lauren, just like last year, ate it daintily. She carefully picked off sprinkles until I gave her a fork. She did not make a mess. The same can not be said for Lilly. She dove in. She was covered in cake. Her hands, her face and, my favorite, her legs. It was funny to watch her rub it into her knees. They are so different!

Lauren and Lilly's Great Aunt Evie with her granddaughter, our cousin, Jenna, who is 19 days younger than Lauren.

Jenna with her mommy, Carla, Lauren with Great Aunt Evie and Great Gram with Kristian.

Our fabulous neighbors, The Dunckel Family: Chris, Todd, Esther and Lauren's best friend, Ethan, or as she calls him, "E."

We had a terrific day. The girls received so many wonderful gifts that we are very thankful for but most of all, we are just truly grateful you were all there to celebrate with us. Thank you!
1 comment:
happy birthday babies!!! i really wish that i could've been there for their b-days & the party. they both look so pretty in these pictures (as they always do) i love you all very much
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